Deeplink Setup

To create a Deeplink to your application content, you should follow this setup:

Admin Panel Setup

  1. Go to your admin panel and open Settings

  2. Change Deeplink field with your custom deeplink and Save for example app.yourAppName.scheme

NB: Don't forget to change FlyWeb_Flutter/assets/cfg/configartion.json from Config Application

Android Setup

  1. Open FlyWeb_Flutter project with Android Studio

  2. Go to file /android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml

  3. Find this code :

    <data android:scheme="app.flyweb.scheme" />

    and change the schema with your schema set in the admin panel

iOS Setup

  1. Open FlyWeb_Flutter project with Android Studio

  2. Go to file /ios/Runner/info.plist

  3. Find this code :


and change the schema app.flyweb.scheme with your schema

Last updated