Install FlyWeb?

  1. Create Database empty i.e name flywebusing phpMyAdmin.

  2. Zip the folder FlyWeb_Admin_Panel

  3. Upload the FlyWeb_Admin_Panel.zip file into the directory of your server

  4. Assuming your website is mydomain.com , open up a browser and navigate to http://mydomaine.com/flyweb/install

  5. Put ( purchase code - server - database - user - password )

  6. Login your admin Flyweb ( http://mydomaine.com/FlyWeb_admin_Panel/)

  7. Login : admin@gmail.com password : admin

  8. Copy your config from Config Application ( Admin Panel )

  9. Paste this in your application : ( FlyWeb_Flutter/assets/cfg/configuration.json )

  10. In Android Studio Tools->Flutter Choose Flutter Pub Get

  11. Run your Application in your mobile.

How I can change the icon FlyWeb?

  1. Open project in AndroidStudio

  2. Expand the folder android from the project root in AndroidStudio Flutter_flyweb/android

  3. In Android Studio, go to the folder res

  4. Right Click on the app folder

  5. In the context Menu go to New->Image Asset

  6. Select type : Launch Icons ( Adaptive and Legacy )

  7. And also change Background Layer if you where selecting the image radio button ( as is the default choice), if you click on the Buttons to show the path tree to locate your .png image file, most probably you might not be seeing it, so drag it from the Windows Explorer ( if Windows ) and drop it in the tree, and it will appear and ready for being selected.

  8. That is it! You have a new logo for your app now.

How I can change logo FlyWeb with my logo in splash screen ?

  1. Open project in AndroidStudio

  2. Go to folder assets/img/

  3. Change logo.png with your logo.

  1. Assuming your deeplink is app.flyweb.scheme

  2. Should Add in your web site for example in page product in javascript for open URL:

    Add script in <script>

  3. window.onload = function() { var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); window.location ='app.flyweb.scheme://url/' + urlParams.get('url'); }

  4. And update in AndroidManifest.xml with your DeepLink

How I can delete permission Location for Google play ?

  1. Go to Flutter_flyweb/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifast.xml

  2. Search the 3 permissions and delete

  3. android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION

How I can Add permission Camera ?

  1. Go to Flutter_flyweb/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifast.xml

  2. Add the 3 permissions

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />

<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera" />

<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera.autofocus" android:required="false" />

How I can create a database in cPanel?

1. Create a Database

  1. Create Database empty i.e name flyweb.

  2. Click Go Back.

  3. The new database appears in the Current Database table.

2. Add a MySQL user

  1. Enter a username in the Username text box.

  2. Enter and confirm the new password in the appropriate text boxes.

  3. Click Create User.

  4. Click Go Back to return to the main interface.

3. Add a user to a database

  1. In the Add User To Database section of the interface, select the desired user and database from the menus.

  2. Click Add. The MySQL Account Maintenance interface will appear.

  3. Select the checkboxes that correspond to the privileges that you wish to grant to the user.

  4. Click Make Changes.

  5. Click Go Back to return to the main interface.

Last updated