iOS Configuration

Install Pod

  1. Open FlyWeb_Flutter folder with Android Studio

  2. open terminal from Android Studio

  3. run cd ios

  4. run pod deintegrate

  5. run pod install

  6. run pod repo update

  7. You can open Flyweb from Xcode with next step Open iOS project

NB: for Install Pod in your computer


Open iOS project

Open FlyWew_Flutter/ios/Runner.xcworkshop folder with Xcode

Change icon application

  1. Open FlyWew_Flutter/ios/Runner.xcworkshop folder with Xcode

  2. Open Assets.xcassets from Runner->Runner folder

  3. Use to generate all formats icons needs for ios

  4. Drag and drop your icon with the same size

Change Application Name

  1. Open FlyWew_Flutter/ios/Runner.xcworkshop folder with Xcode

  2. Open Info.plist

  3. Change Bundle name with your application name

Package Name

  1. Click in Runner

  2. In the TARGETS press to Runner

  3. Change Bundle Identifier with your package name

4. In the TARGETS press to OneSignalNotificationService change com.flyweb.OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension with your package name

i.e : com.packagename.OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension

NB: Don't remove OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension from bundle identifier

Create new App Bundle Identifier

Navigate to and login to your Apple Developers account.

Go to Identifiers and create a new ID. This bundle ID is required to create app in App Store.

Select App to Register

Provide description, bundle ID and check capabilities you need in you app

Once done, you will have an Identifier created for the app.

Create a new application in App Store

Navigate to App Store connect and login. Go to Apps and create a New App

Fill required details in the form and click on Create

Once done, you will have an app created.

Submit app to TestFlight for the First time

App Center allows only updating existing apps. In order to use automated release process, you will need to upload your app to TestFlight from Xcode only once.

Build your flutter app for iOS.

Open your app in Xcode. Go to Product > Archive

Once the archive is created, you can distribute app to app store in TestFlight

Select App Store Connect as distribution method

Here, you can create a new Certificate to sign your app.

If you do that, please export that certificate with private key to a .p12 file. This is needed in App Center to sign your apps.

This is how simple it is to build and release iOS apps created using Flutter. In iOS application you will need to be very careful with signing Certificate and provisioning profile. If you loose it, there is no way to build and release new version of application. This is a manual process, every time you make changes in app, you need to follow same process to upload new version in App Store.

Last updated